Help Mobilize 2 Million More
American Muslim Voters

A campaign by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

2024 General Election CAIR’s Strategic Election Plan

CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) developed a Strategic Election Plan for the 2024 General Election to ensure Muslim voices are heard and valued in the upcoming general election.

Get More Muslims to Vote: Help more Muslims get registered to vote and go out and vote on election day. They plan to do this by talking to each other and encouraging one another to participate.

Help People Understand Policy: Ensure everyone understands how government decisions affect Muslims. This means explaining how certain policies might impact people’s lives.

Advocate for Peace in Palestine: Advocate for peace in Palestine, gather support for a ceasefire, and make sure there’s no support for actions that harm Palestinians, like additional military funding for Israeli Defense Forces.

Track Muslim Candidates: Track Muslims running for office so everyone knows who they are and what they stand for.

Share Voting Guides: CAIR will create easy-to-understand guides that inform people about candidates and how they stand on important issues. Our 2024 Congressional Scorecard will help people understand who supports Muslim interests.

Find Out What Muslims Think: They will ask Muslims across the country about their thoughts and feelings regarding the election and then share this information with everyone.

Work Together: CAIR will team up with other Muslim groups to create a shared set of goals for what they want politicians to do.

Fight Against Islamophobia: They will stand up against discrimination and unfair treatment of Muslims by documenting and reporting on it, and pushing back against it.

CAIR believes that with support from people like you, they can achieve these goals and make a difference in the election. It is important for Muslim voters to take part in these efforts so their voices are heard, and their needs are met by those in power.

Please join us in supporting CAIR’s 2024 Muslims.Vote Election Campaign

Your support is urgently needed as we strive to advocate and rally against the ongoing genocide in Palestine.

Together, we must work to prevent further aid from reaching Israel’s military forces, which perpetuate violence and oppression in the region.

Join us in raising awareness and mobilizing action to address the humanitarian crisis in Palestine and demand justice for its people.

Now more than ever, our collective voice is essential in pressuring governments and international bodies to intervene and end the atrocities committed against Palestinians.

Stand in solidarity with the Palestinian community and contribute to efforts aimed at achieving peace, justice, and dignity for all.

For decades, CAIR has been encouraging and inspiring Muslims to be civically engaged, work with elected officials, participate in elections, and run for office.

As we witness a new wave of Muslim political engagement, it needs continuous cultivation, guidance, and support. With your help, CAIR is offering its election strategy as a pathway to electoral success for our community, no matter what the outcome of the election might be.

Help CAIR empower American Muslim Voters

Help Mobilize America's 1 Million Registerd Voters